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Aware of their social role in the community where it operates, GBT S / A seeks to develop actions that contribute positively to sustainable development and the environment in the locations where it operates.
Green area
In building the data center, it sought to use only plants typical of the cerrado, due to the proximity of the Brasilia National Park.
For the building was used for facial emerald grass ground cover, covering an area of 18,000 m² and planted more than 300 trees, among them Ipe White, Yellow and Purple, Pau Ferro, Palmeiras and Jatoba, all irrigated by a mechanical process.
Due to construction of the Datacenter Complex, the GBT SA made the environmental compensation planting 1,570 trees in the Cerrado, at the beginning of Lago Norte DF, area designated by IBRAM with the responsibility of cultivating these trees for a period of two years.
Use of sunlight for ambient lighting
Aimed at harnessing the energy of the sun to the use of clean energy, GBT SA plans to install solar panels photovoltaic cell energy in complex data center, using the cover of buildings totaling 12,000 m² generating a total of 1MV, to illuminate the area internal and external.
Proper disposal of waste
All by-products derived from the oil change of engine generators, as well as the exchange of coolant and miscellaneous contaminated from cleaning of equipment are discarded and collected by companies registered in environmental agencies. After the withdrawal is issued a Cargo Manifest and Waste Transport MCR / MTR - Simplified.
After collection, it is provided to the GBT SA IDREI certificate - Information of Final Destination residue and Industrial Effluent, which aims to certify the proper completion of the waste.
Selective collect
The GBT SA performs the sorting of waste produced in the Data Center confining them in container of 1 m³. The containers are differentiated by colors which are deposited waste plastic, paper, metal, glass and organic.
The collection is performed by company of the Government of the Federal District on alternate days of the week.